Saint-Roch Ferrières Saint-Roch Ferrières Photo Saint-Roch Ferrières

Un bonjour d'Alex Wonner

Image de l'actualité Régulièrement, Alex nous envoie des photos des escapades dont il a le secret. Goûtez-y en ... English!

Subject: Sunday 8th Nov. Walk to Boatswain Island
Date: Sun, 8 Nov 2009 17:58:21 +0200

Hello all,

Just a walk to Bird Island today. In order to view it from the "top". Slightly cloudy day. Better to walk when it's a bit cooler. You have probably seen similar pictures before. You can see "Green Montain" in the clouds. In other words you cannot see it!!!Then as we walk down comes the "Letter box"... the other end of the island. I have been there once only. Plan to do it again soon. The 4th picture is "Spires Beach" (?spelling). Then comes the magic Boatswain Island. I'm actually quite impressed with the little zoom of my camera. And you?

If you look carefully you can see different bird colonies there. It is just one of the most unspoiled little islands of the planet I think. Basically you are not allowed to go there. We did it once "illegally" with Joe. We jumped into the water and climbed on the right side of the arch. The sea was a bit rough so we could be "lifted" by the waves to hook on to some rocks. We walked along the side.
Enjoy the pictures and have a good week.


I spell it LOUISE and it's in fact LOUIES????

visionnez les photos sur :

Par Mat Bonten
